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Keywords: EU Accession

"European Union, Our Common Future" Events in Kayseri
15/08/2009 KAYSERİ - TEPAV's second event in the series "European Union, Our Common Future" carried out in cooperation with The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and Secretariat General for European Union Affairs (ABGS), was held on 14 [More]
Turkey's Accession Negotiations with the EU was Evaluated at TEPAV
14/10/2008 Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) organized a round-table meeting titled "Turkey's Accession Negotiations with the EU: Progress and Prospects" with the Director General for Enlargement in European Commission, Michael Leigh as the [More]
TEPAV / Experts Gather In Turin To "Talk Turkey"
12/06/2008 The mid-term evaluation meeting for the second stage of "Talking Turkey" Project implemented by TEPAV, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and Parallelli was held in Turin on 9-10 with the attendance of project participants. At the meeting, TEPAV [More]